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Off road ride & social - Wednesday 7th December

The Saturday morning and Thursday Evening off-road riders are holding a ride and social on Wednesday 7th December.  Meeting in the Village Hall car park for a 6.30pm start. We have a 16 mile route planned to work up an appetite for beer and pizza in the Green Man at 8.30pm.  You will need decent lights and appropriate clothing for the weather! Peter will have his car in the car park for spare clothes/coats etc as we will be in the marquee behind the pub - as some of us may be a bit muddy!  Those not able (or willing) to ride are welcome to join us for the social from 8.30pm. Please confirm on Slack (#off-road channel) if you intend to join us for pizza so we can ell the pub - the chef is coming in especially for us as it is his usual day off! Let's ride! 

We have a thriving Off-Road cycling section for members.


IMG 2940 MTB


We run a monthly Off-Road rides on the last Saturday of each month (unless otherwise stated on the website or in the Weekly Brief). These start from various suitable places around St Albans for three to four hours and might include a coffee stop (unless we are too muddy)! Start locations are advertised by email, on the website and on Slack. We cater for all speeds and abilities and if necessary split into groups. Any rider under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

We also organise some midweek rides and some more rides on other Saturdays - these are all advertised in advance by email and on Slack. We also try to arrange one weekend away each year (Wales and the Peak District have featured in the past) as well as car and train assisted rides.


IMG 2988 MTB IMG 3393 MTB


The trails we ride are mostly bridleways, byways and woodland tracks. They can be slippery and muddy at times but that is half the fun! Some sections are a bit technical but there is always an easier way round - our aim is to have fun, not get injured.

Off road riding is a fabulous way to build confidence and bike handling skills away from busy roads and also to get a new perspective on the local area. We are blessed around St Albans with lots of routes and we really do have some spectacular countryside.

To ride with us you will need a serviceable mountain, gravel or cyclo-cross bike and these days disc brakes are very handy. Cycle helmets are mandatory and a bell is a useful addition to warn horse riders and walkers of our approach. You also need to have third party, public liability insurance. Any questions, suggestions or enquiries please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Off-Road Etiquette

Off-Road cycling is a lot of fun, but it can also be dangerous for you and others if you’re not sure what you’re doing. We’ve compiled some advice on how to ride and conduct yourself whilst out riding.

Rights of way:
In England & Wales, cyclists have a right to ride on bridleways, byways (including restricted ones), unsurfaced roads, canal towpaths, routes with other public access (e.g. ‘white roads’ or ‘green lanes’), Forestry Commission stone tracks and some unsurfaced Forestry Commission tracks. However, the law states that when riding on bridleways cyclists are required to give way to pedestrians and horse riders.

Other trail users:
On public rights of way you will encounter walkers, runners, horse riders and other cyclists. A bell or polite greeting is a good way to indicate your presence and not startle them. Do this early and be prepared to stop, as is the law. If approaching head on, slow down, keep to the left hand side of the trail/track and make your intentions clear. Often people will beckon you through, if so, pass slowly and thank them.

If you encounter a slower rider be considerate. Do not ride aggressively or get too close, this will unnerve them and can cause an accident. Let them know you are approaching and be patient. When there is a suitable place to pass, let them know which side you intend to overtake e.g. “passing on your right”, wait for them to hold their line and thank them as you pass. If you are the slower rider, allow the rider behind to pass when you feel it’s safe. Don’t panic, continue to ride as you would. If the trail is wide and safe enough, move to one side, indicating you are doing so. Listen for any instructions from behind.

Don’t obstruct the trail:
If you need to stop for any reason, try to do so off the trail, or where you can be passed safely and easily. Stopping suddenly will put yourself and others at risk.

Ride to your ability:
Choose routes appropriate to your skill and fitness level, as well as being suited to your bike. This will reduce your chance of having an accident, and also mean you are more likely to achieve your target and enjoy the experience.

Don’t skid - it shows poor cycling technique and damages the trail.

Don’t go around puddles as this worsens the problem. A puddle will normally indicate a hard surface underneath - whereas it will be muddy around the edges.

Always shut and fasten any gates you pass through - even if it was already open, as this probably means someone else has left it open. If in doubt, close it.

Enjoy your ride!



